Open letter to BlackBerry bosses: Senior RIM exec tells all as company crumbles around him

Mike and Jim, please take the time to really absorb and digest the content of this letter because it reflects the feeling across a huge percentage of your employee base. You have many smart employees, many that have great ideas for the future, but unfortunately the culture at RIM does not allow us to speak openly without having to worry about the career-limiting effects.

Can’t tell how many of these I have seen over the years. Connecting with your enterprise is key to strong leadership in times of crisis.

Innovation at the Speed of Thought | Today was Moving Day. Huge effort to get us to Telephone City.

With the great help of our pit crew, we are now officially located in Brantford, ON aka Telephone City.  The Studio is a mess with a 16 foot van’s worth of gear and general junk still requiring to be unpacked and set up.  

However, this is not stopping us from working on an upcoming joint venture with someone I highly respect in the Social Business field.  Can’t say much about it, but the footage is already synced in DropBox and imported for post-production editing.

This is another fine example of how two people that have never met in real life can get together using social networks and freemium services to collaborate effectively.

These segments, in my opinion, will bring a lot of visibility to the concepts of Enterprise 2.0 and Social CRM.  It is also a great way for #TDGv Studios to give back to the community that has shared so much with Robert Lavigne, since March 2009.

Really looking forward to being able to share more on this, but for now it is TOP SECRET.

Take Care,


Fozzy at Hockeyfest 2011

Innovation at the Speed of Thought | July 1st is officially the opening day of the new home of #TDGv Studios. Ready to Invest in Telephone City!

For those of you who follow the Life@42 Social Novel.

You will know, how prominent Brantford, ON has been in our plans in bringing the very best Social Business knowledge to the SMBs that have been hit the hardest during these economical times. 

Tomorrow is actually moving day for #TDGv Studios.

Today was a rush of packing and final preparations.  We even had to do a last minute find on a new moving truck. The U-Haul that was recommended to us, could not accommodate the size of the move mentioned when making the reservation.


 We noticed the error over the weekend and literally tried to get a hold of them all weekend long to no avail.  When we were finally able to get a hold of them, we were left truckless for moving day.  So thanks to the wonderful assistance of our pit crew, we not only got the truck we needed, but made some new friends in Brantford, ON.

Those that are familiar with our brand, know full well that we are already planning a video segment to help promote them on YouTube.  This is are way of saying welcome #TDGv to Telephone City and thank you to the SMBs that literally moved us here.

Editor Note: spelling and grammar are as intended as to best follow the spirit of free-form writing. Trust me, those errors are nothing compared to the argument I am listening to from across the way while trying to write this entry.  ’night

Take Care,

Rob, #TDGv

Fozzy – To Kill A Stranger – Hockeyfest 2 – Brantford

Innovation at the Speed of Thought | We are shifting from a search model to a discovery model. < From the Life@42 Archives

We are shifting from a search model to a discovery model. The very nature of this terrifies Google who have made their fortune on search.

We are shifting from a search model to a discovery model. The very nature of this terrifies Google who have made their fortune on search. Facebook on the other hand is based entirely on the discovery model. The discovery model taps into the 3 degrees of connectivity (friend, friend of friend, … ). As such, it allows us to become aware of things that we didn’t know about in the first place. Yes you can search on it, once you hear about it for more details, but how does new knowledge get discovered in the first place? Via a social network based on the concept of weak ties and disconnected interests. In a world where content is become so readily available, the real value is in the semantics of the content. As such, content is free and context is where the value is. The discovery model allows us to use our social network to put not only context on the content being acquired, but also exposes our insight to that of others. Simply put search cannot compete with the discovery model as you need to know what you don’t know first before learning something new.

~ Robert Lavigne 

 December 15, 2010 by @RLavigne42

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