Sharing of New Found Knowledge is the Responsibility of all Knowledge Workers

I am always humbled, when someone from across the world reaches out, and gives me a huge compliment about my Enterprise 2.0 and Social CRM research.  Latest praise, and new LinkedIn connection came from Spain.  It is no wonder, I no longer have a normal sleeping cycle given the timezones I am interacting with daily.

As I have been immersing myself into the Enterprise 2.0 space, I have made a point of sharing with you, every bit of research and content I have found along my path of research and learning.  As I come across interesting elements, I gave back to its author and to you by retweeting it so that you may learn as I learned.

Today, I am proud to announce my recent improvements to The @RLavigne42 Tweet Round-Up series.  These entries will likely remain daily, but may span larger periods depending on my Twitter activity.  I will be aggregating and tagging my Enterprise 2.0 and Social CRM research within these archival blog entries.